November 30, 2010

ok i have plans before the 16th Dec!
- xxx
- yyy
- zzz
- lose weight
- do sumthg about my face pimples :( ugh!
Assalamualaikum everyone,

Lately, I have been reading this book called Secrets of Leadership and Influence, written by Sulaiman Ibn' Awad Qaiman. Translated by Dr. Mahmoud H. Al-Denawy.

There is this qoute written on the top of the cover page- It states : " The Highest Levels of Leadership and the Strongest ways of Influence from the Biography of the Greatest Leader Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). "

I happened to come across this book when I was in Kinokuniya, KLCC in Kuala Lumpur.

I am a fan of reading books on reality since I was in my teens. I am not into fiction though. I am not a reader of many articles compiled into a newspaper. But rather, I prefer to keep it simple and read it online. That way, I am able to select my readings. :)

Have a read! Wasalam.
(Dr HM Tuah Iskandar)

Lelaki jujur tidak gemar kalau dia dicurigai. Dia juga tidak suka dikatakan sedang menyembunyikan sesuatu. Lelaki jujur biasanya cemerlang dalam pelajaran ataupun pekerjaan. Dia tidak punya masa untuk bermain sembunyi-sembunyi. Dia suka berterus terang dan dia mahu orang mempercayai kata-katanya. Kalau dia dicurigai dia boleh berasa amat kecewa dan boleh bertindak *****.

Misalnya, seorang suami yang memang tiada apa-apa skandal di luar, jika isterinya tidak habis-habis melemparkan kata-kata curiga, dia boleh bertindak betul seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh isterinya itu. Aku jujur pun isteri aku kata aku tak jujur. Baiklah aku tak payah jujur. Dikhuatiri kata-kata begini mula terdapat di dalam hatinya. Dia mungkin tidak bertindak songsang pada waktu terdekat, tetapi apabila titik hitam mula terbentuk di hatinya lambat laun, ia mungkin terjadi.

Begitu juga seorang lelaki jujur dalam kategori tunang ataupun teman. Orang jujur memang tidak patut dicurigai. Sebenarnya bukan orang jujur saja, siapa
pun tidak suka jika dia dikatakan tidak baik, meskipun dia memang tidak baik. Jadi, cuba bayangkan perasaan seorang yang baik tetapi asyik dicurigai.

Persoalannya bagaimanakah hendak mengenali lelaki baik? Memang sukar namun kita perlu berpegang pada satu-satu prinsip untuk dijadikan panduan. Kita boleh kata tak semestinya begitu dan tak semestinya begini, tapi jika kita terus berkata begitu, kita tidak akan mencapai kesudahan. Kita akan menjadi seorang jurutikai dan tiba-tiba tanpa kita sedar dia sudah pun meninggalkan kita kerana tidak tahan dengan kerenah kita.

Oleh itu, jadikan apa yang akan saya paparkan di bawah ini sebagai panduan saja. Tidak semestinya betul, harus salah. Lelaki itu jujur jika:

1. Dia seorang yang cemerlang dalam usaha yang dilakukannya. Tidak semestinya betul tetapi kita boleh berpegang
lelaki yang sibuk membina kecemerlangan diri memang tidak sempat untuk membina cinta-cinta palsu. Mana mungkin seorang yang sibuk menguruskan perniagaan ataupun tekun melakukan kerjanya ataupun seorang pelajar yang sibuk menelaah ada masa untuk mempermainkan wanita.
2. Dia seorang yang kuat pengamalan agamanya. Tidak semestinya betul sebab orang yang kuat beribadah pun tidak terlepas daripada godaan syaitan, malah semakin besar serbannya semakin besar pula syaitannya. Namun, tentulah lebih ramai yang sempurna hasil kuat peribadahan agamanya berbanding yang ambil tidak peduli dengan agamanya.

3. Dia seorang yang amat mengambil berat tentang keluarganya. Seorang lelaki yang baik pasti seorang yang amat disenangi oleh seluruh ahli keluarganya.
Tumpuannya pada kerjaya, keluarga dan TUHAN.

Gabungan ketiga-tiga aspek ini menjadikan seseorang lelaki itu sempurna. Dia sudah tentu tidak punya masa untuk menjalin hubungan-hubungan luar biasa sebab kesibukannya bersama kerjaya, keluarga dan TUHAN.

Kerjaya menjadikannya seorang yang sibuk untuk mengejar matlamat, keluarga sandarannya untuk menjadi seorang penyayang dan bertanggungjawab. TUHAN pula menjadi pengharapannya demi kehidupan yang lebih baik dan sempurna serta kekal abadi. Apakah anda fikir seorang lelaki yang mempunyai tiga aspek beginimasih patut dicurigai?

Ramai suri rumah akhirnya ditinggalkan keranaterlalu prasangka, menyangka yang bukan-bukan serta merangsang suami dengan tuduhan-tuduhan tidak berasas. Nasihat saya, berilah kepercayaan padu kepada suami anda selagi belum terbukti sesuatu. Selagi ia berlegar dalam pemikiran ia tidak perlu dilayan.

Selamat membina perhubungan intim danjadilah orang yang ceria serta bahagia sepanjang hidup kita. Saling mempercayai lebih bagus daripada saling mencurigai.


November 29, 2010

Hello everyone!

Alhamdulilah, I managed to do what I ought to complete.

Tomorrow is a new day once again. Hopefully I will be able to do the same again. :)

November 28, 2010

Beautiful Story On Marriage [Rasulullah's marriage to Hafsa] By - Imam...

Burj Al Arab, Dubai @ UAE

After 3 years in Dubai, I have seen Burj Al Arab at least four times a year. As part of my internship, I was given chances to visit the hotel for meetings. Such an opportunity is greatly missed. Hope you enjoy those pics I put up.

World 7th start hotel. Great Hospitality. Elegant Lifestyle.

Long Distance - Bruno Mars

Majlis pertunangan walaupun kecil, perancangan teliti masih diperlukan bagi memastikan majlis beralngsung dengan lancar dan sempurna.
1. Tentukan Hari, Tarikh dan Masa pertunangan
masa bersiap utk diri (mekap dan pakai baju), masa memasak/catering sampai, masa tetamu dr pihak lelaki sampai, masa majlis berlangsung, masa jamuan
2. Barang hantaran pertunangan (Beli dan siapkan 1 atau 2 bulan sebelum majlis)
- Bilangan Hantaran
- Bajet diperuntukan
3. Persiapan Jamuan (persiapan 1 atau 2 bulan)
- Masak sendiri atau catering
- Jumlah jemputan dari pihak perempuan dan tetamu pihak lelaki
4. Persiapan diri (1 bulan awal)
- Mekap (mekap sendiri, kawan, mak andam)
- baju (tempah/sewa/pinjam)
5. Isi kandungan perbincangan - jika perlu ambil tahu pasal tarikh nikah, wang hantaran, barang hantaran dll melainkan jika ibu bapa tak benarkan ambil tahu pasal nih
Budget: bergantung kepada kemampuan anda.
1. mekap - RM 0 - RM 300
2. baju tempah - RM 200+RM200 (kain & upah)
3. baju sewa - RM 50 - RM 150
4. baju pinjam - free
5. cincin risik & @ tunang - RM 100 - RM 1000
6. jamuan - catering - @4.50/head - RM 18.00/head
7. masak sendiri - lauk kering dan lauk basah
8. transportation - jika jauh
9. hantaran - sirih junjung/tepak, buah2an, sepersalinan, kuih muih - RM 200 - RM 2000

Credited to :

November 27, 2010


So far Alhamdulilah, my life has been going smoothly. InsyaAllah it carries on this way. I have done what I need. I have seen what I observe. And so, insyaAllah I cant wait to be his in the end. Aamin.

:) Assalamualaikum semue. :)

November 25, 2010

Sayangilah mereka.

Siti Nurhaliza - Aku Cinta Padamu (MTV)

:) little note from me :)

salam semue, sila ke blog sy. just a girl without any experience in blogging.
but love entertaining the mass.

im a person who relies on faith as my turning point whenever thers a downfall or the pleasures of feeling good. though im seen as less a muslim, i am still proud to be one. to be having islam as my guidance, its like peace given from above. Alhamdulilah.

InsyaAllah, you, my readers could give me a sense of inspiration when I voice out certain opinions to life. I am just a hamba to God and a person who may know lil compared to you. So feel free to comment. Trimas.


Im excited and anxious. Nervous very nervous.


i never knew i would be in this situation...i always see the good parts of being in love but never once i thought i have to think it so deep now that we are so in love. its about time we have to go on to the next step. but there are some factors we need to pass through in order for us to get to that stage.

Those current lovers who have gone through that phase asks me if this is what I want..dont scare me. they are like telling me a boyf.girlf is different than someone fiance. u have lots of ur shoulders. too much dugaan to go ok now. dats tough lol.

but hey this is what i want as long hes ready to say im the one for him. we can do this dear. now its all up to me to ask my parents for the green light. mmmm. Yes This is What I want!..

Till then guys.


November 24, 2010

Achik & Nana - Gurauan Berkasih

November 22, 2010

Thank you dear for everything. I am very speechless for now. I have no idea what to say. I am just happy I guess. Too happy and proud to have such a boyfriend in my life. Thank you mama papa and everyone who have supported us all this while. Muah.xoxxoxoxoxxox

Ps- My boyfriend and I went through so much in our relationship. Lost a few ties and made much more. But I have to thank our parents who blessed our relationship. Without all of the berkat, we wont be where we are today too. :D

November 20, 2010

Inner Talks 3

Hi everyone.

I dont normally express my thoughts and emotions on paper. But today I am happy with myself. I managed to complete what I ought to complete. I am taking it all step by step. There is this article I found interesting. Should you find difficulties as a sister in islam, this may worsen your worries. I highly recommend this to anyone who has thoughts about doing it.Link:

InsyaAllah, like me, I hope one day I will see the light to notice everything completely..Aamin
Take care everyone. In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy the music from my previous entries.


November 18, 2010

mawaddah - terima kasih Tuhan

November 17, 2010

Mercurial Pink Rugby Boots

takbir raya masjidil haram

True Muslim Women HQ

November 15, 2010

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are [Official Video]

Tiada Lagi - Mayang Sari

sweet memories

:D Sweet Memories of Angenza :D

pabila hati sudah tawar

all u just want to do is to run away.

no matter how much u love that person

u just want to run away.

i know that im gona miss him on the way.

but hati ku dah kecewa.

Inner Talks 2

Besar kesilapanku besar lagi kesilapanmu
Hampa yang kau rasakan hampa lagi perasaanku
Kau cuba menyatakan aku membuat kesilapan
Yang tak mungkin kau maafkan lagi
Ku tak mungkin kau perlu disisi

Besar kesalahanku besar lagi keegoanmu

Berkali ku beri alasan berkali-kali kau menolaknya
Kau ingin ku menyalakan diri ini bagai lilin
Dan terbakar oleh perbuatanmu

Suasana sepi kini

Menambahkan hening di dalam hatiku
Mengadil silapmu
Biar di jiwamu
Aku telah tiada
Di waktu begini diusik
Kenangan silam yang bertandang
Lalu ku biarkan
Ia menabahkan hati ini

Kekasihku cukup engkau buat ku begini

Luka ini usah engkau berdarahkan kembali
Aku masih cinta padamu
Aku masih setia padamu
Kembalilah engkau kepadaku seperti dahulu

Di dalam rindu ku menangis

Di dalam kalbu ku terasa
Teringatmu di kala derita yang memisahkan kita

Di dalam sendu ku berseru

Yang terukir dalam hatiku
Kekasih bukalah pintu untuk sekali ini
Aku cinta kepadamu

going for work out today...feel like going for a breath of fresh air today without anyone by my side...if i tell anyone what im feeling too. its not like they want to hear it...why do i wrong everyone i love yesterday and today....zaza get a life! u dont deserve to cry...u cant do much..oh God.

Kesilapanku keegoanmu

this is the song i listen to when im at my lows. enjoy!...its evergreen...when u listen to this, u feel like carrying urself up once again and live it

Kanye West - Heartless

xxxxx a tattoo on my heart

why do you it all over n over again? why? what have i done? am i such a bad girl? seriously... why must u do this al over again? welcome to hearbreak!

November 14, 2010

Maher Zain Is Allah Satisfied ?"Awaken" with lyrics

November 12, 2010

Inner Talks 1

I think after I found my boyfriend. I have rejected at least ten others. Today I would like to express my sorries to these guys. Its nice to see some of them going back to me and say. za, i have a daughter, za, im getting married, za, ure still that intelligent girl. but what they dont see, im just a normal girl.

I have my ups and downs in my relationship with my boyfriend. Lately, the main reason why I am expressing this, I would like others to know that if you feel you are much better than my boyfriend, prove it!

Yes, you happen to know how much I cried when he is not there. All I could do is to just istighfar. If its not meant to be, then I will just have to redha.

But similar to his criteria, I would like a husband who loves his parents more than me, I would like a husband who loves Allah more than me and I would like a husband who will love my family like his own. Thats all I want in my husband. Love is strong. and Love is taught in Islam.

If he breaks that chain, other factors will not fit to place.

Thats how I feel. Nothing is permanent in the world. Only one thing is certain. And that is, we will leave one day. After that day, would you want to be remembered as the person who creates more smiles or the one who is depressed with the least smiles?

InsyaAllah we live with those peaceful and May Allah has mercy for all of us..Amin.


November 11, 2010

Many ask me why am I hard to get. Many ask me why am I boring to friend? I have my reasons..STay tuned..I shall reveal far at least 10 men has asked me out...but i turned them down with this same you want to find out?

hold my hand-maher zein-with lyrics

Career Comedy: So you want to be a hotelier? A spoof about the hotel ind...

Hotelier tells of his recipe for success

An apple a day keeps your hotel awake!

Being a hotelier,

The one thing I would like to learn is how do you sustain a hospitality business. This could be a restaurant, a hotel or maybe just a retail outlet.

Someone once asked me how do you know if that person is a successful business player? I didnt know the answer until I stepped into quality department during my internship.

There will always be setbacks in any business you are in. It is impossible to please everybody but it starts from your colleague relationships. The more problems you solve inside, the easier for you to find time to solve those exterior.

I have seen businesses closing problems from their internal customers and not transparent with their fellow colleagues. Yes, it is dependent upon individual situations. However, if your colleague is not happy, he/she is sick.

Scenario: When there is a tumour growing in your organ, that is a signal. You have to eliminate that at stage 1 before it is uncontrollable at stage 4 cancer. Hence, one has to constantly go for regular monthly check ups(mammograms) at the doctors to sustain and live longer.

Just a tip! Before you please those exterior, focus on its interior first.. :)

November 10, 2010

Maher Zain - Baraka allahu lakuma ماهر زين - بارك الله لكــما

Assalamualaikum sisters

I have always wanting to find out why women wears a hijab.

But before I wear the hijab on the exterior, I would like to hijab my internal first.

InsyaAllah, on the way, I shall reupdate my progress.


May Allah bless all of you for following me.


Dr: Zakir Naik about Hijab

Rights of Wife in Islam

Beauty Tips For Muslimahs!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


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